The Simpsons Movie

Friday, January 11, 2008


SYNOPSIS: In Springfield, the home of the Simpsons, the day never finishes where it starts. Homer Simpson heroically saves a pig from slaughter, but he irresponsibly dumps its waste in lake and single-handedly pollutes the water to toxic levels. The EDA places a glass bubble around the city of Springfield to contain the pollutants, and the Simpsons manage to find a way out. Who will save Springfield in their absence?

The GOOM: It’s an extended, 87 minute episode with the same kind of bafoonish humor and the same kind of bombastic storytelling.

The BA: It’s an extended, 87 minute episode with the same kind of bafoonish humor and the same kind of bombastic storytelling.

Movie Review by Jenn Bollish at 9:57 PM  

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